Welcome to Regulaid

Regulaid is a group of consultants from various European countries with extensive hands-on experience in market regulation. Regulaid experts have built their experience working in or for regulatory authorities and operators, on good regulation and effective wholesale service provisioning. Jointly, they represent one of the strongest, internationally accumulated sources of regulatory expertise and experience.

Regulaid offers services in all fields of liberalisation and regulation, including i.a.:

– Liberalisation policy and legislation
– Institutional landscaping
– Structure and staffing design and review of regulatory authorities
– Regulatory strategy
– Capacity building and training for regulatory staff of regulators and regulated companies
– Market and competition analysis and monitoring
– Proportionate regulatory remedies design
– Regulatory accounting separation and cost allocation modelling
– Network access, interconnection regulation and interoperability
– Retail price regulation, price squeeze, efficiency and investment incentives
– Dispute resolution and mediation
– Designing market oriented radio spectrum allocation, licensing and valuation
– Numbering plans and allocation
– Compliance investigations and enforcement planning
– International cooperation of regulators
– Regulators and antitrust law / general competition law

Good regulation is a rare skill

Why is hand-on experience so important? Everywhere in the world markets are opened up to competition. With high expectations of prices coming down, quality of service going up, free competition coming in and investment pouring out. And that is what should happen. But whether it does, depends on the right way of market liberalisation. The difference lies in good regulation, built on experience.

Good regulation of markets is a skill as much as a science. It’s about the right legislation and institutional quality. About “reading” market characteristics. About balancing of public policy goals and private enterprise incentives. About fine-tuning short and long term benefits for consumers and for enterprises. You don’t learn this at school, but from experience. That is why good regulation is also a rare skill.

Get to know us

On this website, you can get to know more about Regulaid, its associated partners and the services it can offer. Perhaps you too can benefit from the combined expertise, experience and skills of the Regulaid partners. For exploring possibilities, or discussing a specific question: do not hesitate to contact us!