Improving broadband and competitiveness in the Indian Ocean region (2015-2016)
Feasibility study for improving the digital broadband offer and competitiveness in the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) islands, with Swedtel International (2015-2016)
European Commission
Study for improving the digital broadband service levels, submarine cable connectivity and competitiveness in the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) islands; analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks and recommended improvements (Comores, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles)
Single converged ICT regulator for Jamaica (2014-2015)
Single, converged, stand-alone ICT regulator in Jamaica, with Jacobs, Cordova & Associates (2014-2015)
Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining of Jamaica (with IDB funding)
Integrating converging telecommunications regulatory functions now carried out by the Office of Utilities Regulation, the Spectrum Management Authority and the radio spectrum technical functions of the Broadcasting Commission into one new organization. Legislation review, organisational structure design, transition plan.
LTE Spectrum Awards in the Channel Islands (2014)
Comparative Evaluation of Applications for LTE Spectrum Awards in the Channel Islands (2014)
Channel Islands Competition and Regulatory Authorities CICRA
The project consists of preparing the invitation to bid with selection criteria and methodology for the comparative evaluation of bids for LTE spectrum licenses, and assisting in applying the methodology in the evaluation of bids once received.
Regulation of digital and multiplay services in Macedonia (2013-2015)
Enhancing the administrative capacities of telecom and media authorities in Macedonia for efficient regulation of new digital and multiple play services (2013-2015)
European Commission, with ECG-led consortium
The project aims at enhancing the cooperation and capacities of the independent regulators for telecommunications and broadcasting to function according to the EU regulatory framework, and taking into account the convergence of technologies and markets and the digitalisation of broadcasting and telecommunications.
New Approaches to Telecommunications 3 in the Middle East and North Africa (2009-2014) (NATP-3)
New approaches to telecommunications policies-3, with Jacobs & Associates (2009-2014)
European Commission
Five-year EU-funded programme for support to National Regulatory Authorities across 9 North African and Middle Eastern countries. Enhancing regional regulatory cooperation and harmonization with the European Union. Supporting bilateral assistance to individual regulatory authorities.
Regulatory assistance to BTC Bahamas (2010-ongoing)
Regulatory assistance for wholesale business development (2010-ongoing)
BTC Bahamas
Various assignments including e.g.: Assistance in development of a RAIO. Support in the assessment of and commenting on regulatory guidelines and consultation documents from the Bahamian regulatory authority URCA. Preparation for wholesale product offers and pricing and support in interconnection negotiations. Research and training on impact of market and regulatory reforms. Development and assessment of tariffing policy options. Support in dealing with disputes, competitors’ complaints and inquiries by URCA.
Future regulation of electronic communications markets subject to ex-ante regulation (EU Recommendation on relevant markets) (2012-2013)
Future regulation of electronic communications markets subject to ex-ante regulation (EU Recommendation on relevant markets) (2012-2013)
European Commission, with Ecorys-led consortium (2012-2013)
Participation in study on reviewing relevant markets listed in EC Recommendation on relevant markets susceptible to ex ante regulation. Identify trends that may have an impact on the list of relevant markets or their definition/delineation. Review the delineation of markets currently listed. Examine whether any markets should be removed or added. Assess the impact of such alterations to the list.
Bottom-up LRIC cost modelling and wholesale pricing for Palestinian Authority (2012-2013)
Bottom-up LRIC cost modelling and wholesale pricing for Palestinian Authority (2012-2013)
USAID/Chemonics, with Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology as beneficiary
Development of bottom-up LRIC cost models for fixed and mobile networks services, training on how to use and update the models, and training-on-the-job for drawing conclusions from the costing data with regard to tariffing of wholesale services; and a forward-looking advice on further regulatory policies with regard to cost oriented rates.
LRIC cost modelling for Bulgarian regulatory authority (2011-2012)
LRIC cost modelling for fixed and mobile networks in Bulgaria (2011-2012)
Bulgarian regulatory authority CRC, as subcontractor to Ecorys/Incyte consortium
Development and application of models to determine the costs of electronic communications services provided by fixed and mobile networks, calculation of WACC, and training of CRC staff
Designing and leading regulatory authorities and frameworks in Europe
Experience as regulators in the EU
EU member states
Given the type of experts Regulaid consists of, the experience of our associate partners before they became consultants is an essential part of our work experience. This regards building up and leading regulatory authorities in Europe both on a national level and, through the Independent Regulators Group and other mechanisms, in other countries). Also, some of us have extensive experience working in telecommunications companies, e.g. in wholesale service provisioning.