gained extensive expertise in regulatory policy development and enforcement and the interface with competition law in the field of electronic communications during 15 years spent with the UK national regulatory authorities, initially Oftel and subsequently Ofcom. During this time, he directed several Market Reviews which defined the UK regulatory rules in several fixed and mobile wholesale markets . He worked closely with the UK Government during several sets of negotiations on the European Regulatory Framework and Roaming Regulations. He has also devoted a considerable portion of his time to regulatory co-operation through BEREC (and its predecessors). He led several major activities for BEREC, most recently chairing the BEREC Expert Working Groups (EWGs) on Remedies and International Roaming, both of which have drafted for publication a number of significant BEREC Common Positions, Opinions and Reports on current regulatory issues. Throughout this period, Jim was also responsible for international co-operation and liaison with the European Institutions. He regularly spoke at international conferences and took on representational responsibilities for BEREC, in particular participation in hearings of the European Parliament.